Top Tips to Ace Your Launch Party
From brand new products to re-designed websites, a launch party is a vital part of many companies’ marketing plan. But don’t fall into the trap of organising a costly event which reaps little or no reward for your business.
Increasing sales and usage, growing brand awareness, networking with potential collaborators, and increasing the hype around a new product or service are all key to successful development, and can all be achieved through a well-planned launch event.

Follow these three top tips to make your next launch the best one yet.
Timing Your Launch Party Is Crucial
The date, day and time of your event is paramount to securing a good turn out. Think about where people will be travelling from and the time it may take them to get there, for example, from work. If it’s an after-work do it needs to be late enough for full-time workers, but not so late that it impacts the whole of their evening (unless you are providing a full-blown dinner). The weekend gives you more flexibility on the time of day but, unless you have lots of fanatic fans who will come no matter what, will probably deter most professionals as it is so detached from their normal working week.
Also consider when to send the invites / announce the event. Too early and no one will remember, too late and everyone will be busy. Consider the extent of the event and the level of entertainment you will be providing – a quick glass of fizz in the centre of town will require less notice than a three-course meal at rural retreat.
Don’t Lose Focus On The Product / Service At Your Launch Party
Launch parties are glamorous and fun and a world away from the pile of paperwork accumulating on your desk. But be mindful not to get carried away with the glitz and glam and lose sight of the purpose of the event: to promote your new (or improved) offering, whatever that may be.
If it’s a product, make sure the product is visible and available to buy (and that you don’t run out of stock before the night is over!). If you are marketing a service consider if there is a way that you can demonstrate all or part of it –
perhaps screens on which your guests can try out your site or five-minute sessions with your advisors on the night.
Invite Great Guests To Make Your Launch Party A Success
When compiling your guest list you may come up with a short list of obvious attendees, and then draw a bit of a blank. Press attendance is golden for any launch event, so take time over approaching and inviting journalists and editors for your best chance of attracting them. Whether you will be working on a local, national or international level, approach specific individuals within the media who might have a interest (which may be personal) within your field, and compose a personalised cover letter which highlights how your event is one that they cannot miss. Are there any current links or hooks which could entice journalists to attend? Anything that will make your product or service stand out and catch their eye will get you one step closer to securing their attendance and achieving influential coverage, which could catapult your business to great new heights.
Secure The Right Venue For Your Launch Party

Securing the right venue for your launch party should be done well in advance, it is more than likely that if you think its a great venue, then so do others! Get in early, making sure that the venue have professional staff at hand to assist you all the way.
Dallas Burston Polo Club, have a fantastic entertainments team who are on hand to help you organise your launch party. The Polo Club offer various sized venues to suit all launch parties including the amazing IXL Events Centre with a 3,000 capacity! Call the team today Tel: 01926811111