Polo Terms Explained
You have decided to attend a Polo Match, or better still decided to give Polo a try, but before you rush off here are some Polo terms that will come in useful.
Back: This is team member number four.
Bowl-in: When the umpire resumes play by rolling the ball down the centre of the line up.
Bump: Polo is a physical game, and players are permitted to ride off another in order to spoil a shot or take the player out of the game.
Chukka: Is a period of time played.
Divots: Overturned turf caused by the ponies hooves.
High Goal: Highest level of official tournament played in the UK.
Hired Assasin: Professional player.
Knock –in: This is the equivalent to a goal kick in football.
Line of the Ball: This is a frequent foul in Polo and is in place to minimise the risk of collisions.
Mallet: Used to strike the ball.
Neck Shot: When a ball is hit under the Ponies neck.
Ride Off: When players make contact and push each other off the line, primarily for the ponies to push, however players are allowed to use their bodies (not elbows).
Tail Shot: Hitting the ball behind and under the ponies rump.
Treading-In: The spectator sport of replacing the diverts at half time.
Your Line: Team mates often to say this to indicate the principle right of way to the ball.
Now You Have mastered The Polo Terms
Now you have the terms mastered, take a look at our previous blog on Polo Fashion to ensure that you are wearing the correct attire.

Crowds enjoying Polo at Dallas Burston Polo Club
Always make sure you enjoy the half time treading-in, if you are new to watching polo don’t be shy, its expected!
At Dallas Burston Polo Club there are endless facilities to make your visit as enjoyable as possible, along with friendly welcoming staff. Once you have seen a Match or taken your Polo lesson you can enjoy dinning in the Millstone Hare, or visit our stunning club house for refreshments.
If you would like more information about Dallas Burston Polo Club please do contact us Tel: 01926811111